Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Boy. No, Girl. No Boy... Huh???

Today at work I was talking about the baby girl in Sarah's belly and someone told me that it is possible for the sex of a baby to change. That sounds crazy! At this point I am more than OK with having a girl. It still scares me, but I'm good with it. But the comment that my friend made got me thinking, so I had to google it... I found a bunch of posts on some web site from people who were told that they were going to have a boy or a girl, based on their 18-20 week ultra sound, and they ended up having the opposite. There were also some posts that said they were told boy/girl in the 18-20 week ultra sound and in their later ultra sound, they were told the opposite. So does that mean that the baby was a boy or girl and then changed or was the ultra sound tech wrong? Hmmmmm... wacky!

Well, what ever is in there, it has a strong heart beat! It's pretty cool and stuff...

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